Friday, February 18, 2011

The Valentines Week From Hell

This has been, I would have to say, the worst valentines day/week of my life.  Even when I was alone on Valentines day they didn't suck this bad!  It all went wrong on the dreaded valentines day.  This year the husband and I decided we were not going to be spending money on each other.  So a few days before Valentines Day I made him a sweet card and bought him a chocolate heart.  The husband proclaimed he would be writing a song about me.  He always has to top me, is what I thought when he said that.

It's 9:00 AM on a beautiful Monday, but this Monday is special.  It's valentines day. To my surprise I awake and don't hear the voices or screams of small children.  Could it be, I was actually able to sleep in?!  The husband did a wonderful job, that would have made my valentines day.  Then he walks in carrying his guitar and asked me to step outside with him.  He then serenades me with the sweet song he wrote about me.  I don't cry, but I am touched by the song and flattered that he wrote it for me.  I can tell he's a little upset.  I am unsure what I did wrong and decide to give him a big kiss and head in for coffee.  When I get to the pot, the husband had drunken it all.  When I get back to the husband to ask if he had made any, he was glued to the computer.  The day went on like this.  All he could think of was that stupid song and recording it.  All he talked about was that stupid song.  When I suggested we put on some love songs and have some afternoon delight he asked me to help him work on that stupid song!  He worked on that stupid song the entire night.  Leaving me alone to deal with our children, the house, and all the chores.  It was like he was saying "Happy Valentines Day babe.  I know I'm home but I figured you would really enjoy a day alone with the kids" when he knows I spend every freaking day with the kids!

To bad the week didn't get any better. The husband didn't really seem to understand why I was upset with him.  Even after explaining my reasoning.  His excuse, men don't think like that.  Only woman do.  Well if you already know woman think that way then why not try to act like you care?  I just got madder and he got clingier. It seems that when I really need space and am upset he crawls further up my butt.  I can't fucking move with out him asking me if I am okay.  He asks me like twenty times a day if I'm mad at him.  This whole issue would have been resolved if he would have just given me a little breathing room.  Men are silly and I sure have a hard time understanding them.  But I am certain they can say the same thing about us.  We have kids together and I know I never want anyone but him raising my kids but sometimes I sure would like to give up and walk away.  But life isn't easy and it gets harder when you try living with someone else.  If marriage was easy everyone would do it.

So even if this has been a valentines week from hell at least it was a valentines week from hell I got to go through with my family.  Because no matter what, I know I will always have my family!

Oh and don't get me wrong...I love my husband very much and sometimes his clingyness is sweet.  But sometimes he is knuckle head.  I love you husband, even when you upset me or piss me off! 

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