Thursday, May 26, 2011

Moving Forward

I feel as if lately I have been growing a lot as a person.  I guess it feels most like I am relating less and less with younger people and more and more with "adults".  Don't get me wrong I am still a weirdo and act like the biggest tard at times but I definitely feel like I am starting a new chapter in my life.

I took a big step today, I sent my step father a letter of apology.  I have known for some time now (since I got sober) that it was something that I needed to do but I was still to hurt and filled with anger.  For the first time I saw things from his side.  I realized how hard it is to be a step parent and a good one at that and how difficult I was a kid.  I apologized for my actions but didn't take responsibility for his actions, which was hard for me.  I tend to take responsibility for to much.  He was a complete and total ass to me and he was the "adult" so technically he should have known better,  but I do understand it was hard and I made things even more difficult.  I just hope this step will lead us in the right direction.  We have (him more than I) been at each others throats for some time now and it just doesn't make any sense to keep it up.

I hope this new chapter I am starting leads me down a less destructive and more productive path than I have been on before.  I really feel like I finally have my head on straight and can see past all the prior bullshit.  The future is wide open and I can't wait to embrace it!

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