Saturday, March 5, 2011

Onto Year Six

Our five year anniversary has come and pass and now we are moving on to year six.  It was an amazing day filled with good times, good food, and lots of love.  I really enjoyed myself and the husband was AMAZING!

I look forward to year six and the new and exciting things we are going to encounter.  I will be graduating school and hopefully getting a job.  The oldest will be starting middle school, the middle will be starting kindergarten and the youngest will be starting preschool.  The husband will hopefully be playing music with a few other guys.  I have hopes that year six won't be so bumpy.  That the road will smooth out.  We have gotten rid of all the losers in our lives that drag us down.  And our communication skills have really gotten better.  The husband is working at a very busy shop now so hopefully that will increase our money and decrease our stress over bills.  Yup year six is already looking up.

I feel so blessed to get to share my life with a man who I have so much in common with.  I am so glad he wants to spend the rest of his life with me.  Sometimes I swear he understands me better than I understand myself and vice versa.  Life can always get better but with the husband by my side it can never get worse.  Thank you Lord for blessing me with a wonderful husband and three beautiful kids.  I couldn't have hope for anything better! 

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